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Board August 6th, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes


1.    Roll Call 8:55am Present:

Gary A. Young; Chairman

Wayne Irelan; Vice-Chair

Erine Brown; Treasure

James Stewart; Director

Jeff Brauch; Director


Others Present:

Eric Bailey; Secretary

John Budde; Finance/Office Manager


2.    Public Comments

No public present.

3.    Financial Planning Discussion

John Budde and Eric Bailey presented on the Capital Planning for the next ten years. Including, the District's history on rates, strategy for financial reserves, growth projections and capacities for the District's various infrastructure needs.

The Board directed staff to begin planning around a rate increase for 2025 and prepare additional information for growth potential in the various collection basins. They also directed staff to include financial planning related to pending regulatory changes as described by CDPHE in their 1O Year Water Quality Roadmap.

4.    Other Business

No further business was discussed.

5.    Adjournment-Time 10:43am am

Moved by Director Irelan           Seconded by Director Brown      Carried: 5-0


Signed by Secretary Bailey

Signed by Chairman Young